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The boiler is regarded as the beating heart of every process plant, since it serves as a key and plays a vital role in the process sector. A well-chosen boiler enhances the plant’s operating efficiency, which in turn increases the profitability for the business. For this reason, selecting the right steam boiler for an application should involve careful consideration.

The following are the most essential factors to be considered before Boiler selection —

  1. Net Steam flow requirement(in kgs or ton per hour) : Determining the capacity of the boiler is very important for optimum production and can be determined by evaluating proper heat/steam loads based on the process parameters of the product to be manufactured.
  2. Pressure required for Process(in kg/cm2) : Determining the amount of the pressure required by the process is important as it pays back to the company immediately in terms of cost of per Kgs Steam produced, there by improving the operation efficiency of the unit.
  3. Availability of fuel : Fuel selection is the most important factor and should always be based on current and future fuel supply, as well as the area’s emission standards, so that pollution equipment may be ordered appropriately.

Certain companies have suffered significantly owing to poor boiler selection. As a consequence, it is always better to speak with a boiler manufacturer first before purchasing a boiler.

Following are the benefits of this exercise –

  • Right selection of boiler
  • Right steam line sizes
  • Proper steam traping systems
  • Optimal energy savers
  • Avoid steam losses due to faulty selection

Veda Engg boilers provides FREE boiler consultation services so that you arrive at the correct selection of required boiler capacity, Steam line sizing and layout.
