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The hot water generator are designed to operate on various types of fuels such as heavy oil, light oil, gas, duel fuel, coal, husk and other agro waste fuels. The three types of hot water boilers manufactured by us include Aquamatic, Aquatherm and Thermocontainers.

Hot Water Generator is a well-organized and lucrative way to generate hot water instantly. It is designed exclusively for the hot water requirements at Hotels, Hospitals, Resorts, Swimming pools, Dairies, Laundries and various other process industries.

Veda Engg offers Hot Water Generators fired by extensive range of fuels. Hot Water Generators are available in both Solid Fuel firing as well as LDO / Gas / Dual Fuel firing variants so that you get the advantage of economically available fuels.


Aquatherm hot water generator produces hot water at a temperature as high as 140ºC within a few minutes of cold start. The technology innovation of Aquatherm lies in the use of water in its liquid phase to transfer heat to the process.


Aquamatic is a closed-loop, compact hot water generator providing water at a maximum outlet temperature of 90°C.


AquaNexa is an air source heat pump based on the refrigeration cycle and generates hot water with maximum temperature of 60°C.


